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Update for Thanksgiving Week

Monday started with Julia getting her counts checked. Platelets were very low (6). This was not a big surprise as she had developed several large bruises on her legs. Since it was late in the afternoon, the clinic placed an order for platelets to be sent early the next morning. We were sent home with strict instructions that Julia was to rest (easy to do since she has been so tired).

By the next morning, Julia had a sore in her mouth. It looked like a blood blister on the inside of her entire left cheek. When we got to clinic, they took another blood test to check counts and a type/cross (in case Julia needed another transfusion on Friday). Julia’s platelets dropped more (were down to 4) with an ANC of 770. She received her platelets and you could see the color starting to come back to her cheeks. Julia was prescribed a mouthwash to use for the sore. It would help to numb her mouth so that it was easier for her to eat.

Julia was still very tired and spent most of the afternoon sleeping. On Wednesday, she felt well enough to go to the Malvern School and see her friends there. The transfusion was taking hold.

On Thanksgiving morning, Julia woke up to lots of hugs from her big brother, James, who came home from college late the night before. Julia said she was so thankful to get to see both John and James for Thanksgiving week.

On Friday, we went back to clinic for blood work again. Julia’s counts have gotten better – platelets 61 and ANC 440. She would not need another transfusion this week! It looks like her counts are finally on the rise – one more thing to be thankful for.

Julia heads back to clinic on Monday to see if she “makes counts” and her next round of chemo can begin.

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Julia's Grace Foundation  |  PO Box 1081, Royersford, Pennsylvania 19468

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