Supporting Children with Cancer
For Happiness...
For Hope...
For Hugs
Julia Grace Eveland passed away from cancer in September 2013. In celebration of her life, Julia’s Grace Foundation® was established to keep her generous spirit alive by continuing to share her love
and her hugs.
Julia's Grace Foundation®
continues Julia’s work of bringing happiness to children with cancer and to their families. From creating special moments for the family to share, to providing items that make the long days in the oncology clinic feel shorter, Julia’s Grace Foundation® works to bring happiness, hope, and hugs to children with cancer and their families

Julia had a generous spirit. She gave away her presents to other children with cancer and raised money to help doctors that were working to find a cure. Please consider making a donation today.
Julia’s Grace Foundation® helps children with cancer and their families smile with our "hug" program and provide families with support through our "grace" program.
Julia's Grace Foundation® brings moments of happiness and support to children with cancer and their families.