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Final Radiation Treatment

Today was the last radiation treatment. Julia’s appointment was at 7 AM so we were up very early and traveling to CHOP by 5:30 AM. Julia wasn’t too happy about waking up before the birds. She was very patient with being poked so early while they accessed her port. Luckily, we can keep the “tubey” in until chemo tomorrow so she only has one stick this week.

During last week, Julia realized that she does not like the sensation of going to sleep with the anesthesia. She cried while they started anesthesia, but Daddy held her while she went to sleep. Her last treatment was quick and uneventful.

When we got back to the recovery room, the nurses had decorated to celebrate Julia completing her radiation treatments. A sign saying “Way to Go Julia”, a snack since she couldn’t eat in the morning and a gift were waiting for her when she woke up. After catching up on her sleep, Julia woke up and was excited to see the sign and her present – the “Barbie Beauty Parlor”. Needless to say, she has washed and dyed every Barbie’s hair since we got back home.

She was a bit tired today and has complained a bit about her tummy. She keeps telling us that she wants to “go on vacation when she is done seeing the big doctor” and go to the “beach of the big, big boat”. We think a trip is definitely in our future.

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Julia's Grace Foundation  |  PO Box 1081, Royersford, Pennsylvania 19468

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