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Scans Post-Op, Good News & Chemo

It’s been a busy week and it is only Tuesday.

Monday, Julia had her first set of scans post-op. This consisted of an ultrasound and lung x-ray. This morning, we headed to clinic to get the results of the scans along with her lab work and chemo treatment for the week (Dactinomycin and VinCristin).

The good news is the scans were great! Her remaining kidney looks normal and her lungs and abdomen are completely clear! Her counts were also good and have rebounded with two weeks off chemo.

The rough news is that this week’s chemo mix is the hardest on Julia and she has not been feeling well all day. She received a dose of Zofran before the treatment so that has helped to settle her stomach a bit, but she is still a bit nauseous. It will be a few days of lying around and lots of cuddling, but we know that this is helping to destroy any remaining cancer cells. Julia will have two weeks of rest before her next chemo treatment. She will be going to clinic during the off weeks to have her blood tests and a physical exam.

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