Julia is feeling a bit run down and queasy in the morning before she takes her Zofran. She had a flu shot on Friday, so her right arm is a bit sore, only to get an injection of Neulasta on Saturday in her other arm. The “tickle cream” made it much easier. It is amazing that Julia gets her blood drawn with no worry or use of the magic cream, but the injections make her nervous. She tells us it is easier to get the blood taken out then to get medicine.
Mom and Dad had to get flu shots this weekend too. The pro she is, Julia gave us instructions on how to be brave. “Tell the nurse to count to three. When the counting starts, shut your eyes and blow out on three. I know you can do it.”
Julia heads back to school tomorrow. She is excited to get back to the fun. On Wednesday, she will be going to the clinic for her blood test. The following week, Julia will have an ultrasound of her abdomen and CT scan of her chest. We will finally get to know what the tumor is growing on and the doctors will decide on additional treatment (surgery, radiation) to get rid of the cancer. Until then, it is back to school, continual monitoring of her blood counts, a weekend trip to the beach and just being a kid.